
Sofidel recognises green suppliers with the Supplier Sustainability Award

On November 24th, 2016, the premises of the ex Cavallerizza in Lucca will host the Supplier Sustainability Award ceremony for Sofidel, world leading hygienic and household tissue manufacturer known in Italy for the Regina brand in particular.

Sofidel recognises green suppliers with the Supplier Sustainability Award

In keeping with the Group’s generous commitment to promoting sustainable development, the award was created to encourage, spread and capitalise on best practice and improvement activity carried out by suppliers each year in the area of environmental and social sustainability.

More than three hundred companies are taking part, from Italy and abroad.

Underpinning the award is the “TenP – Sustainable Supply Chain Self-Assessment Platform” project, conceived and promoted by the Global Compact Network Italy (GCNI) Foundation, of which Sofidel is a “Founding and Promoting Member”. TenP is a tool to support self-evaluation of performance built on the Ten Principles (“TenP”) of the UN Global Compact, which, following the most relevant and up-to-date standards and conventions on sustainability, takes the areas of human rights, labour conditions, environmental protection and the fight against corruption into account, to identify common challenges and solutions to improve sustainability within the supply chain.

Luigi Lazzareschi about the Supplier Sustainability Award

“The institution of this award represents the natural development of a commitment to promote responsible and long-lasting growth, which sees in sustainability strategic lever for cultural and competitive development,” state Luigi Lazzareschi, CEO of the Sofidel Group.”We’ve decided to promote this culture within our national and international partners, rewarding them for their sustainable growth initiatives, because we’re convinced that building a positive future – for companies as for people and for the entire world – necessarily involves an increasingly widespread, common commitment: the need to assume, each within their area and according to their role, new and broader responsibilities.”
Sofidel has instituted three award categories:

– Best Supplier: the company that has achieved the highest score according to the TenP platform

– Best Improver: the company that has made the greatest improvement to its results by undertaking new environmental and social sustainability procedures

– Best Sustainable Project: an accolade for a company that has implemented a particularly important environmental and social responsibility initiative

The prize-giving event for the Sofidel Supplier Sustainability Award will be subjected by SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance), world-leading certification, inspection, verification and analysis services company, to ISO 20121 sustainability certification, an international standard that certifies zero impact on the environment on the basis of parameters such as energy and water consumption and the production of waste. Among the other events that SGS has certified for ISO 20121 are great events such as the Olympics in Rio in 2016 and in London in 2012 and the UEFA EURO 2016 football championship.

Sofidel’s Supplier Sustainability Award is held in collaboration with many partners such as:

– Global Partners: Elettric 80, Fabio Perini, Södra, Henkel

– Premium Partners: SAP, Pulsar, Industria Cartaria Pieretti

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