
New scenarios for the folded product in the post-pandemic era – VIDEO

MIAC Tissue Conference 2021 – ALBERTO COLOMBO / OMET

The full speech by Alberto Colombo of OMET during the MIAC Tissue Conference, which took place at MIAC 2021 exhibition held every year in October in Lucca (Italy). MIAC is the international paper industry event that sees the participation of 250 international exhibitors of the paper industry sector.

COVID-19 emergency has caused a big revolution in terms of habits and ways to go of all of us. The usage of disposable products is destined to be ever greater in order to ensure maximum hygiene and comply with regulations for infection prevention. Interfolded products have been specifically designed to allow the fruition with the simple use of a single hand, without touching other products. The usage of interfolded products, as towels and interfolded kitchen towels, makes all the process completely hygienic. The post-pandemic scenario leads us to foresee a change in the way of using many disposable products, which will be increasingly preferred to other types of items, even for new applications. The folded product, in tissue and non-woven material, has today a greater appeal due to the awareness of using a product only yours, not potentially infected or infectious, which is then thrown away and disposed of after use, in compliance with the cleanliness and hygiene of the person and the environment.

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