The farsighted entrepreneurs of the Sandreschi family, who began the business, were among the first to rely on steam drying cylinders, way back in 1930. The ability to keep abreast of the times, and at times to anticipate them, allowed the company to grow, constantly renewing machinery and production processes in order to market reliable products obtained from recycled materials.
Brothers Ernesto and Benedetto Sandreschi have led the family business for more than thirty years, supporting a development based on a balance between tradition and innovation. The Cartonificio Sandreschi corporate philosophy focuses on longlasting commercial relationships pivoting on broad scope partnerships. Corporate organization foresees a management in direct touch with the commercial and technical divisions of customers and an efficient B2B, with a staff keen on understanding clients’ requirements and meeting their demands.
Today, increasingly on the side of research and development, the corporate mission stresses attention to an environmentally friendly production. This mission has led to the development of ethical processes for both energy sources and production cycles, with particular focus on recycled water and materials, achieving high quality performance that places the company among the leading players in the complex and globalized market of recycled cardboard.