In 2020 Gambini turned 150: not exactly ordinary days! We know, therefore, that you certainly do not lack history; what matters to the market, however, is your future: what do you have in mind to do in the next 150 years?
Answer: Carlo Berti, Sales Director Gambini.
We started in 1870 making plows, then bicycles, river barges and motorcycle components. We have been dealing with tissue only for the last 25 years! Today we want to specialize ourselves: specialize in being the best! Our main characteristic will be to make the best converting lines in the world.
Gambini researches, designs and manufactures technologically advanced machinery and converting lines
Quite a goal, no doubt about it … Someone says, however, you’re not offering integrated solutions to your customers: why don’t you provide complete packages (converting+packaging) and leave to your customers to choose on their own?
The world is divided between those who can do one thing perfectly and those who can do multiple ones, but not all so well. Gambini knows how to make the best lines to convert tissue paper, that’s it. I guess there’s a company in the world specialized in making the best tissue packaging lines, right? Today, technology allows for any two systems to dialogue, there’s no problem in putting the best ones together. Therefore, why adopt the nudge attitude of those who think they know what’s best for the customers, imposing a full closed-box package on them? In our opinion, customers – even the smallest ones – have all the tools to make the best supply choices for themselves. Why force them in a scheme whereby, if you buy A, you must also buy B? We think it is an unfair compression of the entrepreneurial freedom of people who want to invest. We call it jailbreak policy: we crash the chains of this mental automatism, because A+B does not always return the expected result.
Gambini is keeping on envisioning the future and making it come true