European Commission approves International Paper’s acquisition of DS Smith subject to conditions

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of DS Smith by International Paper. The approval is conditional upon full compliance with the commitments offered by the parties.
International Paper and DS Smith are two vertically integrated paper and packaging companies. The Commission’s investigation showed that the transaction, as initially notified, would have reduced competition in the markets for the manufacture and supply of corrugated sheets in the North and West of Portugal; heavy-duty corrugated sheets in North-East Spain; and corrugated cases in North-West France.
Notably, the Commission found that the transaction would have resulted in high combined shares, as well as high concentration levels, in several local markets. The Commission also found that, after the merger, there would not be enough alternative competitors to exert sufficient competitive pressure on the merged entity. This would have led to higher prices for consumers in the affected markets.
The proposed remedies
To address the Commission’s competition concerns, the parties offered to divest five of International Paper’s plants in Europe: three plants in Normandy, France (namely, one box plant in Saint-Amand-Villages, one box plant in Mortagne, and one sheet plant in Cabourg); one box plant in Ovar, Portugal; and one box plant in Bilbao, Spain.
These commitments fully address the competition concerns identified by the Commission, by fully removing the overlaps between the parties’ activities in the corrugated cases markets in North-West France. The commitments also eliminate the overlap as regards the supply of corrugated sheets in the problematic local markets in Portugal and Spain and, as such, any vertical foreclosure concerns regarding corrugated cases.
The Commission will subsequently approve the suitable purchaser or purchasers of the divested businesses. Following the positive feedback received during the market test, the Commission concluded that the transaction, as modified by the commitments, would no longer raise competition concerns.
The decision is conditional upon full compliance with the commitments. Under the supervision of the Commission, an independent trustee will monitor their implementation.