Pehart Tec

PEHART Petresti TEC SA is a company whose birth certificate was signed in May 2005 by purchasing the paper mill assets PEHART SA – specialized in manufacturing tissue paper and processing it into finished products. The company has a history and tradition back over 150 years in papermaking, experience that puts today with skill and responsibility in the service partners.
The company is part of the company MG TEC GROUPS Dej which includes 13 companies with operations mainly in building materials. Since its inception, management policy was based on the principle of investing in modern technological equipment with integrated production flow, able to deliver quality products to international standards.
Embossed napkins, Hygiene papers, kitchen rolls, Napkins tissue paper, Paper towels, Sanitary papers, Soft tissue papers, Tissue paper, Tissue rolls, Toilet papers, Toilet tissue papers, Towel papers.
address: 1 Mai nr. 1, 515850, Petresti (Alba) , Romania
phone: +40 358 401527
email websitePeople
Ioan Tecar
General Manager
Gabriel Stanciu
Sales Manager
Pompeius Borza
Marketing Manager
Elena Silas
Chief Financial Officer
Ancuta Irimie
Human Resources Director
Marius Ciceo
Technical Manager
Cristian Silas
Production Manager
Cristian Silas