NCR Biochemical

NCR Biochemical is a chemical company specialized in water treatments, papermaking chemicals and sugarmaking chemicals. NCR Biochemical has extensive knowledge of the entire paper process and in-depth know-how of its applied chemistry. We work with our customers to find the best solutions for improving quality, production and runnability.
Adhesives, Aluminium sulphate, Anti-foaming agents, Anti-slime agents, Auxiliary chemicals for the paper industry, Bactericides, Biocides, Cleaning agents, Coating additives, Corrosion inhibitors, Deinking agents, Drainage agents, Dry strength improving agents, Emulsifiers, Fixatives, Flocculation agents, Flotations agents, Fungicides, Interfering substance control agents, Paper finish improvers, Pitch control, Pulp, Raw materials all kinds, Repulping agents, Resines, Retention agents, Sedimentation agents, Sizes, Sizing agents, Sludge dewatering agents, Softners, Surface finish improvers, Waste water purifying agents, Wet strength agents, Wetting agents, Wire conditioning agents, Wire life extenders, Yankee coating additives.
address: Via dei Carpentieri, 8, 40050, Castello D'Argile (BO) , Italy
phone: +39 051 6869611
email websitePeople
Marco Novi
Alessio Canfailla
Marketing Manager
Michele Novi
Communications Director
Alice Draghetti
Chief Financial Officer
Alessandro Pagliara
Human Resources Director
Valentina Novi
Technical Manager
Raffaele Brusoni
Production Manager
Andrea Saletti