Julia Utensili Srl

Julia Utensili Srl was founded in 1978 in Tarcento (UD). The company can ensures a fourty years experience in the production of high quality circular saw blades and knives for cutting different materials and for various applications. Since 2013 the firm enlarge its products range focusing on circular knives for the cutting of toilet paper rolls.
The company quality system is certified in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001 international standards, which ensures a constant qualitative monitoring of all phases of the production cycle.
The firm is present at worldwide level and the company’s highly qualified staff provide superior technical support wherever necessary.
Cutters, Cutters for toilet paper, Cutting machines, Dished knives, Log Saw, Machine knives, Machine knives and tools, Slitter knives, Slitter-winders.
address: S.S.13 Km 147,5, 33017, Tarcento (Udine) , Italy
phone: +39 0432 784723
email websitePeople
Roberto Menegon
General Manager
Roberto Menegon
Sales Manager
Giovanni Colle