IBS Austria GmbH

IBS Austria GmbH


The IBS Paper Performance Group, headquartered in Teufenbach/Austria, is the world’s leading specialist in the optimization of paper, board and pulp machines – with high-quality machine components and system solutions, innovative services and highly specialized employees. Nearly all major machines worldwide use our products and solutions every day. With 20 locations and over 750 employees, we have strategic locations around the world – wherever our customers are.

As the worldwide partner for machine optimization we offer:

– top expertise in all aspects of papermaking
– globally leading and patented technologies
– premium quality due to top-quality raw materials and state-of-the-art facilities
– a unique range of products and system solutions
– a worldwide service organization


address: IBS Austria GmbH, 8833, Teufenbach-Katsch, Austria

phone: +43 3582 8511

email website


Klaus Bartelmuss

Dr. Marc Kaddoura

Sales Manager
DI Rudolf Ruck

Marketing Manager
DI Christoph Herzog

Chief Financial Officer
Hubert Gnezda

Technical Manager
DI Erich Weitgasser
