
A.Celli begins 80th anniversary celebration

A.Celli begins 80th anniversary celebration
In the picture, from left to right: Marcello Gozzi - Director of CTN, Tiziano Pieretti - Deputy Director of CTN, Daniele Matteini - President of CTN deliver the commemorative plaque to Mauro, Alessandro, Piero and Marco Celli of A.Celli Group

A.Celli Group, founded in 1944 by Alvaro Celli, has become one of the most significant and prestigious industrial entities in Lucca, Italy and international business scene. To commemorate this important anniversary, the first celebratory occasion was held with an institutional dinner tracing the Group’s years of history.

The event, in memory of Alvaro, was attended by the three generations of descendants, as well as the group’s shareholders, a delegation of management and the highest institutional officials and personalities from the district and the area.

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